
Disclosures pursuant to Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG):

aprile consulting GmbH

Represented by: Dr Ing. (I) Nico Aprile
Register court: Hamburg District Court
Registration no.: HRB 104982
Int. VAT ID No. pursuant to Section 27 a of the [German] VAT Act: DE 261422979

Headquarter Hamburg
Alstertor 9
20095 Hamburg

Inhaltliche Betreuung dieser Website:
V. i. S. d. § 10 MdStV / § 6 TdG:
Dr. Ing. (I) Nico Aprile

Phone +49 40 419 106 99 0
Fax +49 40 419 106 99 19
contact (at)

Layout and Design: aprile consulting GmbH

Bilder: aprile consulting GmbH, Adobe Stock &freepik