Optimized processes for more efficiency and revenue:
Integrated and convergent advertising management
Digital transformation is more than just the use of different software products that communicate and harmonize with each other more poorly than well: from office packages to CRM, scheduling, personnel and billing systems to special reporting and visualization programs, etc. Start-ups will realize this just as quickly as large media groups that want to integrate newly acquired channels and genres into their business operations.
Media companies whose business model is based on the marketing of advertising space cannot avoid using a comprehensive, integrated and convergent advertising management system that covers all processes and all tasks in this central business area synchronously and in which the interfaces to the necessary third-party systems, such as the broadcast playout system, function smoothly.
Integrated, convergent and automated means that all workflows relating to the management and processing of advertising campaigns can be handled in a single system: from the first customer contact to the final report. The individual processes are automated as far as possible, e.g. using a booking generator. Whether linear or digital media channels, such as radio, online audio, TV, display, etc.
We will be happy to explain to you what characterizes a good advertising management system, which software products are available on the market and what they offer in detail. Get in touch with us.